Saturday, June 19, 2010

Catching mice

Dear Aisha, Brioni and Calista,                                                          

This is another letter from your Uncle Roger. I hope you liked my last letter about getting the firewood in to keep the fire burning in my home. Just lately, it has not been very cold; we have had showers of rain for a few days. I have been doing some gardening; I'm growing some little cabbage plants and broad beans.

I've sent you some photos for you to see; - Do you like my big plant-pots?

They are just right for growing my plants in; I had to go to Griffith to buy them.
When I was finished shopping, I called in to see a friend of mine living near Griffith who has an orange orchard and he gave me all the oranges which you can see in the pictures.

- When I got home from Griffith I had a big surprise!

I saw a mouse running across my kitchen table! - I didn't know I had some mice living in the house with me, but I noticed that mice have been trying to get into my bags of rice and even trying to eat my potatoes! - I was a bit worried because mice can be very destructive and make a lot of mess in the house. So, I decided to set some traps to catch the mice. I've sent you some pictures of the traps which I set near my bags of rice, and also, on the kitchen table. 

During the night I heard a sound- SNAP! - I had caught a mouse in one of my traps. In the morning I found another mouse caught in a trap, so I caught 2 mice during the night. I've sent you some pictures to show you. - Now, I have no more problem with mice. I haven't seen any signs of mice in the house since then and my rice is quite safe.

My garden is still growing nicely and the recent rain has made everything fresh.
I've been eating my spinach which is very delicious to eat when it's picked fresh. I have not found anymore caterpillars on the leaves. 

When I went for a walk down to my dam I saw some wild ducks swimming on the water. I've been trying to get close enough to take a photo to show you, but they fly away before I can get a good photograph, but I will keep trying until I get the picture I want to show you.

The mornings have not been very cold lately, so I have not yet been able to get a good photo of a cold frosty morning, but when it's a very cold day with frost, I'll take a photo to show you.

This is the end of my letter now, but I will write to you all again sometime.

Remember - I love you all very, very much.

Uncle Roger


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