Friday, September 3, 2010


This is another letter from your Uncle Roger. My letter is about Spring-time.

You have seen the photos I sent of the wattle in bloom. - Well, many other flowers are out now and the weather is getting warmer. I've sent you some photos of the flowers growing around here in the bush at this time of the year.

And also, two photos of my first Gazania growing in the garden, very pretty.
Springtime starts on September 1st, and lasts for about 3 months until December when the Summertime begins. Springtime is when all the birds have their nests and lay eggs and raise their family of baby birds, and down at the dam I have seen a family of little baby wild ducks following their mother. They are very cute, but as soon as they see me, they run away and hide in the grass.

I will be going away soon for a while and not sure when I'll be back, but when I get home again, I'll write you a little letter and send you some pictures.

Remember - I love you all very, very much.

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