Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cooking spinach

This is another letter from your Uncle Roger. I hope you liked my last letter about crickets; this time, my letter is about cooking spinach. You know I like spinach and I have a little garden of spinach plants growing in the old bath-tub. Well, this letter is about my favourite recipe for cooking spinach and I've sent you some photos to show you.

The first thing is to gather the spinach from the garden and give it a good wash. It needs washing because we like to eat our food from the garden nice and clean.

You can see in the the photos my 2 large bowls of washed spinach ready for cooking. The next thing is to prepare an onion; and you can see the pictures showing me chopping the onion ready for cooking.

Into the cooking pot I put the chopped onion and some crushed garlic with a small amount of olive oil, a very small amount of water and a little bit of salt, and I fry the onion and garlic in the cooking pot to get a nice tasty flavour. Then I add the washed spinach; you can see a photo with all the spinach in the pot.

It looks like a lot of spinach, but when it cooks it reduces down to a smaller amount. I try to use as little water as possible without risk of it burning on the bottom. When the spinach is cooked I sometimes add a can of red beans to go with the spinach and then I add the 2 eggs and stir them in. I put the eggs in last because they don't need very much cooking, so when the eggs are cooked it's all finished and ready to eat. 

In this meal, I'm also having boiled brown rice which you can see in the photo.
It was a very nice meal and I enjoyed it very much so I have sent you this letter to tell you all about it.

It's still very cold here, and I'm looking forward to the Springtime when the weather is a bit warmer, but I'm OK here and I have my nice warm fire. I've been inside most of the time lately, reading and doing my bible study.

I heard about the time you have been making submarines from drink bottles; and Aisha, - I heard you have been learning to sew. I'm very pleased to hear about your sewing.

This is the end of my letter now. Remember - I love you all very, very much.

Uncle Roger

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